the fringe dress: a diy tutorial

This week has been a wild ride full of medial procedures and doctors appointments and waiting and waiting and more waiting for phone calls from said doctors. (more on all of that later) But I figured what better time then now to keep busy and sew myself a new dress. And FINALLY I decided to try … More the fringe dress: a diy tutorial

my summer mom-iform

I can’t believe I am using the word “momiform” but it seemed like something a blogger would say so here you have it. This summer I have truly been rocking the same “uniform” every weekend. Because, you see, becoming a mom completely changes your wardrobe. And not in that I’ve-got-to-lose-those-last-five-pounds baby weight kind of way. But … More my summer mom-iform

DIY Baby Leggings

In a town filled with little girls in smocked dresses, little boys wearing john-johns until they’re seven, and monogrammed initials on nearly anything imaginable, I find myself to be in the minority when it comes to children’s fashion.