indigo shirts and a dirt road

When I think back on the 90s, I have such fond memories of rolling up to middle school every day in my older sister’s Ford Probe while she rocked out to Nirvana and I hoping that maybe we could pop in my Boyz II Men cassette tape for just a second, spending countless hours worrying if Dylan … More indigo shirts and a dirt road

my summer mom-iform

I can’t believe I am using the word “momiform” but it seemed like something a blogger would say so here you have it. This summer I have truly been rocking the same “uniform” every weekend. Because, you see, becoming a mom completely changes your wardrobe. And not in that I’ve-got-to-lose-those-last-five-pounds baby weight kind of way. But … More my summer mom-iform

DIY Baby Leggings

In a town filled with little girls in smocked dresses, little boys wearing john-johns until they’re seven, and monogrammed initials on nearly anything imaginable, I find myself to be in the minority when it comes to children’s fashion.

The sweetest/most random newborn quilt that you ever did see

I knew I wanted to make a handmade item that I could give to the baby, but I had never tackled a quilt before. Cutting and sewing in straight lines and squares is not exactly my style. You see, I tend not to do any thing that requires precision or following rules and patterns exactly as … More The sweetest/most random newborn quilt that you ever did see

What I Wore When my Water Broke: our birth story part 1

 What Happened that Day: Dear Liam, You decided to be born on Valentines day. Which makes perfect sense as that is the day we celebrate love. And now we will always celebrate that day and the love that made you and brought you into the world.  Valentines Day was not “the plan.” You were due to come on February … More What I Wore When my Water Broke: our birth story part 1